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Real-Time Interaction That Promotes Networking

One-to-one or one-to-many, interactions are spontaneously prompted by you within the 4D environment. All interactions are dependent on your decisions, just like real relationship building. As you enter proximity, you will be prompted to interact.

While navigating the environment uses game mechanisms, translating professional business interactions within a virtual “game” environment takes a different approach with the end goal of professional interaction, networking, knowledge transfer, the decorum of doing business brought to you virtually. When you’re virtually interfacing, it’s your body language that dictates action, not your IP. It’s on behalf of the brand, that we offer this connective experience.

The revolutionary efforts to connect physical, psychological, and emotion of business interactions results in users exhibiting body language within the virtual interactions that is open, honest, and self-assured. Designed to increase your real, virtual and social influence. Users will find the ability to read the emotions and intentions of others is equally indispensable. Whether you’re making a presentation, mentoring or closing a deal, the right body language can be your best ally.

Furthering the fidelity of interactions, HReality uses your video camera feed and AI to map your mouth as it moves to be reflected in your character’s mouth in real time. This allows for genuine expressions, reactions, and personal communication mannerisms.

Now, HReality offers users the ability to democratize, elevate, and level the playing field of professional relationships.

Differences you can see

Conference or convention — it's custom

Host your convention at our HReality Convention Center, a digitally accurate venue inspired by the best convention centers from around the world, or have your environment custom built for your event.

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Customizable 4D interactive booths

Your company experts have the ability to instantly talk, demo, schedule meetings, sell products, and provide downloadable collateral with end-to-end real-time analytics. Making information more readily available to potential buyers, insuring a smoother and more efficient buying process.

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Personified and personalized avatars

Establish trust and create connections as you — with real life likeness, HReality avatars not only look the part, but they act it with real business etiquette, mannerisms, and gestures that allow the next level of interaction to happen virtually.

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